The project I’m working on at the moment is using Knockout with some view models that are three deep. Since all the projects scripts are being bundled together that’s a lot of JS, so I’m using namespaces to keep things tidy.
The namespaces are being declared like this:
var Foo = Foo || {};
Foo.Bar = Foo.Bar || {};
Foo.Bar.Derp = Foo.Bar.Derp || {};
and finally the view model gets declared like:
Foo.Bar.Derp.ViewModel = function () {
The problem is that namespace declaration has to be written, updated and maintained for every js file in the project.
I wrote this helper method which autogenerates the namespace declaration and inserts it in a script element:
var namespace = function(declr) {
var current = null;
var cmd = 'var ';
$.each(declr.split('.'), function(i){
current = current ? current + '.' : '';
current += this;
cmd += current + ' = ' + current + ' || {};\n';
$('body').append('<script type="text/javascript">' + cmd + '<' + '/script>');
Each file’s namespace declaration then becomes:
Foo.Bar.Derp.Chicken.Derp.Bork.Bork.Bork.Bwuhahaha = function() {
alert ('Namespaced, dude');
Because of the way the declarations are written, the generated namespace declarations won’t collide:
Foo.Bar.Derp.Chicken.Derp.Bork.Bork.Bork.Oh.No.Wai = function() {
alert ('Yes wai');
The generated HTML litters the place with the extra scripts, but that’s the browser’s problem amiright?