I just figured out something cool and thought I might blog it bacause it’s been a while. I had a little React component that wrapped creating a menu link, adding some basic logic to apply a current
class to the anchor if the href
passed in matched the current path. I wanted to also pass arbitrary props down to the link - specifically a data-method="delete"
attribute to one of the menu links which hooks into some nasty magic Rails stuff to convert an anchor click into a DELETE
Obviously I didn’t want to add lots of explicit and optional prop values whenever I wanted to copy a prop down to the anchor. I found this (which seems to be an old version of the React docs) which suggests using the ES6 spread operator to transfer props.
So here’s my simple component:
const MenuItem = ({href, children, ...other}) => {
const current = window.location.pathname === href ? 'current' : ''
return <li><a href={href} className={current} {...other}>{children}</a></li>
I use it like this:
<MenuItem href="/profiles/me">My profile</MenuItem>
<MenuItem href="/users/sign_out" data-method="delete">Sign out</MenuItem>