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~/JavaScript namespace generator

05 September 2013

The project I’m working on at the moment is using Knockout with some view models that are three deep. Since all the projects scripts are being bundled together that’s a lot of JS, so I’m using namespaces to keep things tidy.

The namespaces are being declared like this:

var Foo = Foo || {};
Foo.Bar = Foo.Bar || {};
Foo.Bar.Derp = Foo.Bar.Derp || {};

and finally the view model gets declared like:

Foo.Bar.Derp.ViewModel = function () {

The problem is that namespace declaration has to be written, updated and maintained for every js file in the project.

I wrote this helper method which autogenerates the namespace declaration and inserts it in a script element:

var namespace = function(declr) {
	var current = null;
	var cmd = 'var ';
	$.each(declr.split('.'), function(i){
		current = current ? current + '.' : '';
		current += this;
		cmd += current + ' = ' + current + ' || {};\n';
	$('body').append('<script type="text/javascript">' + cmd + '<' + '/script>');

Each file’s namespace declaration then becomes:


Foo.Bar.Derp.Chicken.Derp.Bork.Bork.Bork.Bwuhahaha = function() {
	alert ('Namespaced, dude');


Because of the way the declarations are written, the generated namespace declarations won’t collide:


Foo.Bar.Derp.Chicken.Derp.Bork.Bork.Bork.Oh.No.Wai = function() {
	alert ('Yes wai');


The generated HTML litters the place with the extra scripts, but that’s the browser’s problem amiright?